Honeymoon Love Spell

Honeymoon Love Spell

Honeymoon Love Spell

This is one of my favorite love spells because it is about pure love and it doesn’t give a monkeys what anyone says about living in the real world. I cast my Honeymoon Love Spell for anyone who feels their relationship has lost its sparkle, or worse, their lover has left them. People say the honeymoon period cannot last, but they don’t say why.

What happens is a couple stop looking at each other in only a positive light, they notice their lover actually has faults and start to grumble about them, and then both lovers feel they aren’t in love as much with each other as they once were – they are, but they’ve decided to allow negativity into their relationship, and although ‘that’s life’ it has to be said they were far happier during in the honeymoon period, and what is wrong with that? Being happy and positive has a massive knock on effect, it attracts more love and fun, it’s always more productive to focus on the positives than the negatives. Being in love is good for your health too!

My Honeymoon Love Spell therefore return the rose tinted glasses to both lovers, after all, would a romance ever take off if both lovers were critical of each other? NO. Love is positive, wonderful, warm, dreamy and carefree – why would anyone want their lover to think let alone say anything that shatters their confidence? Cloud 9 is the place for lovers, not ‘down to earth’ i.e. reality – love is the things dreams are made of. Which is nicer, being ‘head over heals’ in love, or being lonely?

Full Moon Love Spell & Witchcraft

It’s no secret that witches like the moon, and being able to use the energy of each moon phase to your advantage can help you cast spells with incredible potency. In actuality, most people sense a connection to Earth’s natural satellite whether or not they identify as witches. When I was in middle school, I remember gazing up at the sky and finding comfort in the moon and the knowing that I could see it the moon from so far away. Witches often conceive of the moon as the mother energy and the sun as the father energy. Witchcraft has historically been associated with terrible things. Because of the tragic witch hunts and innumerable trials that resulted in witches being burned at the stake, the majority of people in the globe associate witches with Satanism and pure evil.

But those who uses it has benefited much out of it for example

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